Alpha Eta Eta Chapter
On September 24, 2016, Alpha Eta Eta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated was
chartered on the University of Michigan North Campus with the support of Linda Tellison, the
National Organizer of Chi Eta Phi Sorority and Dr. Nutrena Tate, Middlewest Regional Director of Chi Eta Phi Sorority.
Fourteen dedicated professional nurses became trailblazers in carrying out the mission, and
programs of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area. The Charter of Members of Alpha Eta Eta Chapter are:
Caesanea Ashford, Joyce Baker-Martin, LaToya Brown, Desiree L. Conyers, Woshondria Fizer, Sharon Gillespie, LaShon Hart, Ashley Jenkins, Brianna Kline, Taylore Murry, Jacqueline Newsome-Williams, Adesuwa Obaseki, Vercina Powell, Terianna Sharp
Alpha Eta Eta Chapter has been working in collaboration with various community partners in
the Ann Abor-Ypsilanti community since it’s charting.
Health Café is a premier project of Alpha Eta Eta Chapter; this is a monthly/bi-monthly forum in collaboration with the University of Michigan Health’s Community Health Services Program for Multicultural Health; Eastern Michigan University’s Family Empowerment Program; and the Ypsilanti Housing Commission. Health Café is a community-based, interactive health education program that provides credible and reliable health information on disease prevention and management across a variety of prevalent health concerns (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, “how to talk to your doctor”, chronic stress, depression, lupus, etc.).
These forums are conduct in the housing communities of the participants. This allows ease of attendance for the participants of the program.
The objective of Health Cafés is to increase health literacy and positive health behavior as a
cultural norm by engaging participants in an evidence-based culturally responsive program that extends healthcare reach and access to community and prepares future generations of health experts.
Specific program goals are to:
1) increase positive interaction between community, clinicians and fitness experts who serve them
2) increase participant knowledge of behavioral strategies for chronic disease prevention and management
3) improve community perceptions of healthcare
4) Enhance physical fitness participation.
The Ypsilanti Housing Commission provides affordable housing for the residents of Ypsilanti
Michigan. Eastern Michigan University's Family Empowerment Program works to help families.